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This month we are sitting down with the one and only Lindsey McClellan! We call her Linds and she absolutely lights up any room she enters. But don’t let her charm and gorgeous smile fool you…she will kick your butt as soon as that music and class start! We love Lindsey because she is so positive and supportive in and outside of the studio. She can take your bad day and turn it right around while forgetting about the outside world for an entire 50 minutes. Meet Lindsey:

You have taught other types of group fitness classes here in Atlanta. What makes SculptHouse’s workout so different and effective?
I love the combination of cardiovascular conditioning and strength training. The SH method is a great combination of HIIT on the Woodway Curve that keeps my heart rate in an optimal fat burning zone and strength training on the M3. What makes SH different is half of the class is focused on getting the heart rate up on the curve while the other half is on the M3 stretching, lengthening and toning those hard to target areas I struggle with most.

What is your favorite type of music to play during your classes at The House?
I love me some EDM/Dance, rock, hip-hop and pop. I am big on remixes and love anything Matoma.

What is your favorite Megaformer move and why?
Any of our oblique exercises I absolutely love…especially a member favorite – twisted bear. This move is one where you can just feel your obliques getting tighter.

What is your favorite block to do on the Curve?
Give me 60 – builds any day on the curve and it’s a good day for me. This one is my favorite because you hit each level. You’re at level 2 for 20 seconds, level 3 for 20 seconds and then level 4 for 20 seconds followed by a level 1 for 60 seconds in between. It is a great feeling to get your heart rate up knowing you can walk it out for a minute before repeating that sequence – twice.

At the House, each instructor has a bin to keep whatever they need to teach. What’s in your bin? What’s in your gym bag when you work out?
There is nothing exciting about what you will find in my bin and gym bag. In my bin you will only find extra workouts and my microphone screens and in my gym bag the clothes and shoes I am going to work out in, maybe a protein bar and headphones. I probably should get more creative with these things but just essentials for me. ☺

Where can we find you when you’re not at The House?
You can find me at Buckhead Church, spending time with my amazing husband, Jonathan, hanging out with dear friends, on a run or curled up reading a good book!

Best part about being part of the SculptSquad?
Without a doubt the clients and the amazing women I get to work with! What an honor to have a team of trainers that I can call friends and clients who have become friends. Katherine and Megan have created an environment that is full of comradely, laughter and motivation to be the best we can be. I love that I get to walk into a place encouraging others to be the best version of themselves they can be. I like reminding them that they have 50 minutes to tune everything out and focus on what they want to accomplish not to mention they are changing their bodies. It has been a privilege to be a part of this amazing team and grateful for the clients who make it possible for SculptHouse to be what it is.

You can catch Lindsey on Tuesday nights at 5:45pm, Wednesday mornings at 7:15 & 8:30am, sweaty Saturdays at 8am and starting on October 14th – Fridays at 6am!

Thanks Linds, we love you!

The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason