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2025 Lagree Certification dates are LIVE - Sign Up Here
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To request a membership cancelation or freeze click here

Freezing Recurring Payments

  • Memberships may be frozen a maximum of (2) two times per calendar year for up to 60 days total.
    • Requests for the freeze must be filed with at least 5 days notice before the bill date
    • Freeze requests that extend beyond 60 days must be accompanied by a doctor’s note explicitly stating that you are unable to work out at SculptHouse for a given time period

Canceling Recurring Memberships

  • We offer many different memberships to accommodate varying pricing and commitment options. Please see them listed below for more information on cancellation window requirements.
  • Memberships may only be canceled before their contract expiration when accompanied by a doctor’s note or with proof of a move outside of a 20-mile radius to your home studio
    • If you choose to cancel your membership before your contract ends you will be responsible for finishing out the signed contract and paying for your current month. No partial-month reimbursements will be issued


Weekly Memberships 
  • 7 day cancellation from autopay date
  • No freezes
Monthly Memberships
  • 30 day cancellation from autopay date
6 Month and Yearly Memberships
  • 30 day cancellation from autopay date


  • All class sales and memberships charges are final sale
  • Classes are not eligible for transfer, refund or exchange 
  • If credit card expires or declines scheduled membership payment, customer is still responsible for contractual payment


Looking for packages and other studio policies?   See here!