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IG: @dianakimler


Do you have a mantra or a motivational phrase you like to say in class or live by?

What do you love the most about teaching at SculptHouse?

The hardworking members and  studio vibes with the lights

How has SculptHouse impacted you?

Since discovering SculptHouse I have stepped out of my professional comfort zone and have grown not only professionally but also as a person. 

What’s your playlist vibe?

I like to play a little bit of everything

What is it that you love about Lagree Fitness?

I love that the Megaformer is so versatile. It seems like there are endless variations to exercises.

What is your favorite thing about the Woodway Curve?

I like that I have to stay engaged and focused on the Curve. It really helps me clear my mind.

How do you think SculptHouse is different from other studios?

I like that SculptHouse has a good variety of great instructors.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone wanting to try the SH method but may be intimidated?

Be open to challenge both your body and mind while also giving yourself some grace as you learn the SH method.

What do you hope clients take away from their experience training with you at SculptHouse?

I hope that clients feel challenged and motivated throughout class, and I hope they feel free to approach me for anything class or non-class related. 

What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working/training?

When I am not at work I enjoy taking classes, training in jiu jitsu, and hanging out with hubby and kitties. When I "grow up" I'd like to add traveling to this list. I enjoy both mountains and the beach.