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Social: kvolante
Spotify: kvolante
Do you have a mantra or a motivational phrase you like to say in class or live by?
Difficult doesn't mean impossible.
What do you love the most about teaching at SculptHouse?
I love the community and stepping out of my comfort zone to teach a newer format.
How has SculptHouse impacted you?
The friendships and connections I have built with team as well as clients have been priceless.
What’s your playlist vibe?
Prepare for some aggressive music to get you through the intense workout. Lots of rap and mixes
What is it that you love about Lagree Fitness?
This is a workout you can do for the rest of your life. I've been able to train 18 year olds all the way up to 80 year olds on the megaformer. It's a workout that can be tailored to anyone.
What is your favorite thing about the Woodway Curve?
I love that it is low impact and easier on everyone's joints!
How do you think SculptHouse is different from other studios?
Aside from being the only studio that offers cardio and Lagree in Dallas, I think our level of training and continued education allows us to provide the most effective and safe workout to our clients.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone wanting to try the SH method but may be intimidated?
Give it a try. It will be challenging but we are all here to help you through it. Every move we do can be modified on the megaformer and the curve goes at your own pace which is amazing!
What do you hope clients take away from their experience training with you at SculptHouse?
I hope that they feel empowered and strong after my classes. I'm going to push you but I will help you every step of the way!
What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working/training?
I enjoy exploring with my GSD Zero and traveling with my husband to new places.