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Social: @Maggiemamola


Do you have a mantra or a motivational phrase you like to say in class or live by?

It’s not I HAVE to be here - it’s I GET to be here! 

Show up for YOURSELF 

What do you love the most about teaching at SculptHouse?

I love watching my clients grow in the house and outside the house. I love celebrating you from advancing a movement to your engagement!

How has SculptHouse impacted you?

the relationships I’ve built

What’s your playlist vibe?

A dance party always

What is it that you love about Lagree Fitness?

How strong you feel

What is your favorite thing about the Woodway Curve?

You don’t limit yourself by pressing a speed - you really have the ability to exceed your own expectations

How do you think SculptHouse is different from other studios?

At sculpthouse we show up for ourselves and our neighbors - I love watching clients encourage each other to push through a level 4 or add that extra spring!

What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone wanting to try the SH method but may be intimidated?

The hardest part is showing up 

What do you hope clients take away from their experience training with you at SculptHouse?

I hope that when my clients walk into The House they know I have their backs - I’m here to support them - to lead them - and to give them a space to be the best version of themselves

What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working/training?

Traveling with my Husband