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Social: ___mmmateo
Do you have a mantra or a motivational phrase you like to say in class or live by?
One day at a time 
What do you love the most about teaching at SculptHouse?
The SculptHouse method and being able to impact the clients. 
How has SculptHouse impacted you?
It’s made me get creative on my teaching approach
What’s your playlist vibe?
A bit of everything from every genre
What is it that you love about Lagree Fitness?
impacting in a different way
What is your favorite thing about the Woodway Curve?
It challenges you and the way you approach running on a treadmill since it is human-powered and on a curve
How do you think SculptHouse is different from other studios?
You’ll always get the same great workout no matter what instructor you take
What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone wanting to try the SH method but may be intimidated?
Everyone has a day 1
What do you hope clients take away from their experience training with you at SculptHouse?
You feel stronger than you started
What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working/training?
Learning! I am always looking for new programs or education opportunities to keep expanding my knowledge of the body!