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I often get asked if I like ice cream. Um, DUH! But, there is a price to pay when I eat dairy. ( I won’t bore you with details) I also don’t like to buy it from the store because of all the additives/preservatives. So here I am. It took me a few tries to get it right, but when my husband and all the kiddos I had over this weekend give me the stamp of approval, I decided to post it!

1 can light coconut milk
1/2 can coconut milk
1 cup soaked cashews ( 6+ hours)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2- 1 cup of maple syrup ( depending on how sweet you like it)
dash of sea salt

enjoy life chocolate chips, fruit, cookies etc.

– In high powered blender, add everything but toppings and blend for 1-2 minutes on high.
– Add into your ice-cream maker until it gets to the consistency you like it. Add in the toppings at the very end or leave plain and add when serving.

Katherine Mason