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Meet SculptHouse trainer Bridget Schulze! Her infectious laugh and courageous spirit will get you through any workout at The House. You can catch her on Tuesdays at 4:30, Wednesdays at 6, 7:15am and 4:30pm, Thursdays 6am, Fridays 6 & 7:15am and Sundays at 10:30.

How did you get involved in fitness?
I have been active my whole life. I danced when I was younger and played competitive soccer my entire life. When I went to college I started working with a personal trainer and became even more in love with fitness. As I started my career after college, I realized sitting at a desk wasn’t the way I wanted to spend my days, so in 2015 with the support of my husband, I left my full-time job and pursued a career in the fitness industry. I got certified in group fitness, then certified in spin and taught that for two years. Not long after joining SculptHouse I decided to follow my dream of becoming a certified personal trainer and passed the exam in April 2017.

You’ve taught other group classes here in Atlanta, how is the SculptHouse method different?
SculptHouse is so unique in that it involves two completely different machines that somehow compliment each other so well. Targeting strength work and slow twitch muscle fibers, the M3 strengthens and lengthens your muscles, while the Curve hits that cardio element and targets the fast twitch muscle fibers. I love the combination of strength and cardio that we offer because it’s a little bit of everything wrapped into one amazing workout!

You teach a lot of early morning classes. What advice can you give someone who might not be an early bird?
Getting up early never becomes easy, but you make it a habit. My advice for anyone who wants to become more of an early bird is to start the night before. Lay your workout clothes out so you’re not trying to find something to wear at 5:30 in the morning. If you’re a coffee lover like me, set your coffee maker to start in the morning so it’s ready to go for you when you walk out the door, and the most important thing is to go to bed early. A good night’s sleep is the best start to any day.

What’s your favorite M3 move? Favorite Curve block?
I can’t pick one, so my top 3 M3 moves are spider kick, side leg sweep and twisted bear. Killer glute and oblique moves. Favorite blocks are Endurance and 60 Builds.

What’s in your gym bag?
An extra set of workout clothes, sticky socks, sneakers, dry shampoo, deodorant, and Goodwipes (they’re key for a quick clean up after a sweaty workout)!

How do you balance work, life and leisure?
I am very lucky in that my job in the fitness industry offers me a lot of free time during the day when a lot of people are working. I like to get my errands done during those hours so when the weekend comes I can spend time with my husband and friends.

Where can we find you when you’re not at the House?
Spending time with my husband and new puppy, Charlie. Or next door at Storico with friends!

Favorite part of the SculptSquad?
Hands down, the amazing women I work with. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. Every woman on this team is an inspiration and motivation. I’m also so grateful for our clients. The people I’ve met through the studio have become friends and they make me want to excel every time I walk in to teach a class.

Favorite restaurant and way to unwind after a long day?
Storico Fresco & any Mexican restaurant. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a sucker for a good guac and skinny margarita. My favorite way to unwind is being with my husband on our couch with a bottle of wine and a good movie. I also love a good girl’s nights!

Thanks Bridge we are so proud of you and happy to have you on the team!

The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason