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How is the SculptHouse method different than any other group fitness class?

The SculptHouse method is different from other group fitness classes because it has the same vibe as a high intensity Bootcamp, with the benefits of low impact exercises. It’s the best of both worlds!

What would you tell a guy who is intimated to try the Megaformer or hesitant to try SH because they think it’s Pilates? (as we all know it’s Lagree!)

Don’t knock it til you try it! It is just as intense, if not more, than most workouts I’ve ever done. As a former collegiate athlete, I’m accustomed to Olympic lifting and heavy training sessions. SculptHouse provides me with that same level of intensity.

What are you favorite Mega moves? Favorite Woodway cardio blocks?

Favorite mega moves are definitely Side Spider Kick (love a good iso hold) and Sexy Bicep Curls because #arms.

Favorite curve blocks are Turnover and Hi-Lo.

You teach several 6am classes…how do you get motivated so early in the AM and what advice do you have for our early SculptSquad?

Honestly, my 6am crews are usually the most hardworking and committed. I stay motivated knowing that I have a solid group that is willing to put in work that early in the morning. Also, I just like being up before the sun and I think I just got lucky that I’m that way:)

What’s the best thing about being part of the SculptSquad?

The best part about being part of the SculptSquad is the constant learning. Even as an instructor, I still feel challenged every time I take class and every time I teach. Each time I feel like I’m improving my own training and teaching of the method.

What are you doing when you’re not at the studio?

I also teach indoor cycling at a studio named Verticity (@verticitycycling) and I work at lululemon! Otherwise, I’m taking classes at various studios, hiking, or anything else that is outdoors:)

Favorite Nashville hotspots to eat and play?

My favorite spots to eat are definitely Rotiers (best burgers), True Food Kitchen, Smiling Elephant (Thai), and Clean Juice!

As for play, I always love going to the movies, cooking, or exploring surrounding areas around Nashville for trails and hikes. I just like exploring in general!

Tell us a little bit about our men’s clothing line, Rhone we carry in the Boutique!

Rhone is an upscale men’s athletic wear brand with some pretty amazing products. From everyday clothing to workout gear, they provide great mobility and comfort. I love my SculptHouse branded V-Neck!

Tell us a little bit more about you!

I’m originally from Jacksonville, FL born and raised! I’m a beach boy at heart and that probably explains why I’m always trying to explore nature. I’ve always been interested in and connected to fitness through my mother and sister. They both teach group fitness through various methods including Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Kickboxing, Step, and many others. As a child growing up in that environment, I couldn’t help but be curious and participate.

In college, I was a cheerleader at the University of Florida so training was arduous and everyday. Working with collegiate level strength coaches definitely increased my interest in a career in fitness. That being said, SculptHouse actually was/is my first instructing position! I’ve been teaching for about 4 months now and have recently included teaching indoor cycling. Fitness has always been part of my life and it just means that much more that I get to work in it now!

We are so happy to have you as part of the #SculptSquad, Max! You can catch Max on the SculptHouse schedule in Nashville, TN or on Instagram @MaxTBarry


The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason