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Jenni moved to Atlanta almost 2 years ago from LA where she was an avid Lagree client and no stranger to the M3! As a mother to three gorgeous little girls, Jenni finds time to balance work, family and fun. Catch her own advanced moves while she is participating in a class or her killer routines when she teaches. Jenni’s high energy and fun commentary will get you through any 50-minute workout!

With three little girls, how do you make sure you take enough time out of each day to take care of your own health and fitness?

I have always loved being active. I ran track, I studied martial arts, I snowboard, I was a gym rat, street running, beach running, trail running, anything that left me in a puddle of sweat. However, after I had my first child, exercise seemed like such a selfish pastime. I fell into the same trap that many parents fall into… Guilt. It took me some time before I truly understood that self-love, self-maintenance, and self-care were essential to parenting. My heart was full, but I was tired, drained, and running on empty. I started to schedule a sitter to workout a couple days a week, and soon, I remembered what fitness did for my spirit. Now, just like anything that fills us, exercise and fitness is fully integrated into my life.

What is your favorite M3 move? Favorite Curve block?

I have so many favorite M3 moves… Anything Giant Reverse, Reverse Carriage Kicks, BUNGEE (aka butt lift), and Mermaid Twist. They are effective and gets me into my shakes right off the bat.

Favorite Curve Block right now is 90 Builds. I like generating speed and then blasting off at the end. With this new block, it forces me to really use my mind to hold my Level 4 for 30 seconds. I have 3 chances to redefine what that max effort means.

You’re a clean eater but always find ways to make “healthy” treats for your SH co-workers. Tell us a little bit about your cooking and baking style?

I grew up with my mom making home-cooked (Korean) meals from scratch (yum) so now that I am a parent, my view on food is all about clean ingredients. I use organic, local (when available), preservative-free ingredients. Also, components are intentional. For instance, I use turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties, cardamom for its aid in waste elimination through our kidneys, oregano for immunity, cinnamon to assist in improving the way our cells metabolize glucose, ginger for our digestion, ghee for reducing stress in the body, etc… Life is balance though, so there are a lot of meals out- steaks, french fries, and ramen when needed.

I discovered Paleo baking in the last five years. For me, it is a challenge. Tell me you are vegan and gluten free and I get excited about making a vegan, Paleo caprese savory “cheese”cake. I love bringing treats to work because I know the health intention is appreciated. It brings me so much happiness to see people enjoy my chia pudding!

How do you wind down after a busy day at work and with the kids?

There is very little wind-down time once the kids go to bed because I go to sleep soon afterwards. However, Saturdays are completely relaxed. We don’t wake up to an alarm clock, I make a huge breakfast, we do a whole lot of nothing, and it is perfect.

What do you do in your free time?

What’s that? Ha ha! I am thankful to have known and met some incredible people here in Atlanta. So, every so often, we set a date, I put my face on and meet up for a scrumptious meal and a martini somewhere in the city. If I have a stretch of free time, my favorite thing in the whole wide world is traveling, and second to that, is scuba diving, so if I can combine those two passions, I am a pretty happy gal.

How long have you been doing the Lagree method and what is it about the CardioSculpt combo that people are drawn to versus just the Megaformer?

I have been doing the Lagree method for many years now and it is still my favorite workout… I believe the CardioSculpt combo provides the perfect mixture for those looking to develop both their larger, explosive muscles, and also their smaller, slow twitch, endurance, fat burning muscles. Plus, you get an incredible cardiovascular workout. You leave with exhausted muscles and a clear mind.

What kind of music can we find on your playlist?

I try to put a mixture of what is popular… Pop, EDM, Remixes, Hip Hop, and Rap. I want people to feel pumped and driven, but the music should be background to instruction and to the most important voice, which is the voice within them. That drive, that affirmation, is what will get them to their goals- physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Favorite thing about being part of the SculptSquad?

I feel so grateful to be part of such a wonderful group of powerful women. Each and every instructor has such an interesting story and a heart that is as immense as their beauty… Inside and out. Despite being the oldest one there, I have so much to learn from them. They are bright and intuitive, fun and insightful.

What are your go- to household products for your kids?

Probiotics and green juice! I give the children probiotics to keep proper balance in their tummies, and an organic green juice powder from Garden of Life that the girls love! I also rub lavender oil on their feet at night or a couple drops on their palms to breathe in.

Anything else you want to add?

As SculptHouse goes into their second year, I reflect on my own personal journey here. A year and a half ago, my husband and I packed up the kids and left a city I had been in all my life. I left some incredible friends and my family… Yet, I feel so blessed to be part of a community of remarkable people. Whether it is side-by-side, sweating our asses off in the studio, or teaching class to individuals whose strength inspires me EVERY TIME, I am humbled. Thank you.

You can catch Jenni on Fridays at 12:15 and Sundays 8am for StrengthSculpt or Thursdays at 9:45 and Sundays 9:15 for CaridioSculpt. Thanks Jenni for being part of the SH original crew – we love you!

The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason