Photo on Left from August 2016, Photo on Right from February 2017 (6 months!)
How long have you been coming to SculptHouse?
Since August 2016. Started with 1-2 times a week, now I am an avid goer of 4, sometimes 5 a week!
How is the SH method different form other group classes you’ve taken?
I’ve tried CrossFit, personal training, and several other group fitness classes before. After my first SH class I felt like part of the family right away! The class size is small and intimate which means that clients get the one on one personal attention and motivation to keep going. The energy you feel the second you walk into any class from the amazing, outgoing, and professional trainers is something I have never felt before walking into any other gym or studio. SH has taught me how to listen to my body while working my slow-twitch fat burning muscles and how important it is to focus on form rather than simply trying to “rep it out.” I’m truly addicted!
You’ve seen some incredible changes in your body since starting at SculptHouse! What is the biggest change?
The biggest change is in my waist line and lower body!! I have gone down about a size and a half since starting at Sculpthouse. I can proudly say I have never loved my body so much and after seeing those results, it’s that kind of proof that keeps me coming back to continue to sculpt and change the shape of my body.
What would you tell someone hesitant to try something completely new and unique?
Don’t mock it till you try it! Getting yourself out of your comfort zone is something everyone should try and try often; it’s good for the soul and you’ll never know what you will discover or accomplish!
What’s your favorite Megaformer move? Favorite Curve block?
Favorite M3 move is anything involving the core! If I had to choose, it would be teaser, or plank to pike. I feel my abs and core so deeply. For the Curves, definitely Skate the World! From someone that used to hate cardio I enjoy mixing up the workout and not straight running.
You struggled with a knee injury recently. How is SculptHouse helping to recover and strengthen so that you can continue to work out?
I discussed my knee pain and concern right away with the trainers – I felt comfortable knowing that there would be no judgement if I had to stop or modify a movement. I was worried I would have to stop coming to the StrengthSculpt, full body classes. However, the highly trained trainers have kept a close eye on me and have helped me make adjustments whether it be reducing the resistance, changing range of motion or suggesting alternative exercises. The attention to detail, motivation and high energy keeps me going every time and I’ve been able to strengthen the muscles around my joints to become stronger without further injuring myself.
What’s your favorite thing about the House and the SculptSquad?
The energy, motivation, friendliness and professionalism of the trainers and everyone that works there! Oh, and the amazing boutique definitely makes the House unique and special!
Anything else you want to add?
Showing up is the first step to becoming a better version of yourself. Eat clean, work hard and enjoy the results! Thank you, SH for making me feel part of the SculptSquad! See you at the House!
Thanks Leeron for being such a valued part of the SculptSquad! We adore you and love your energy and upbeat outlook in and outside the studio. You are proof that this method works and we are so glad to be a part of your success. Keep up the great work!
The SculptSquad