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Social: @erikacarterfitness
Do you have a mantra or a motivational phrase you like to say in class or live by?
This workout is just one small part of your day. Take the time you've carved out for yourself to be here and make the absolute most of it.
What do you love the most about teaching at SculptHouse?
There are so many things I enjoy about teaching at SculptHouse, but I think the number one thing I is that I get to do what I love and love what I do! I get to share my love for fitness and am making a positive impact in the lives of our clients
How has SculptHouse impacted you?
Teaching at SculptHouse has introduced me to so many amazing people, both co-workers and clients.
What’s your playlist vibe?
My playlist vibe is usually filled with Old School Hip Hop and R&B. I love a good remix and/or mashup.
What is it that you love about Lagree Fitness?
I love how no matter how long you've been doing it Lagree is always challenging. There is a different type of sore you get from Lagree that you can't find anywhere else. I hurts so good!
What is your favorite thing about the Woodway Curve?
I love that I am in total control of the curve, there is no motor so I know exactly what I put it to my time on the curve is what I am going to get out of it. It's kind of a love hate relationship the curve and I have.
How do you think SculptHouse is different from other studios?
SculptHouse has taken two totally opposite machines and paired them together to create an amazing work out. There is nothing out there like it.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give anyone wanting to try the SH method but may be intimidated?
Come early to class so you have the time to meet with the instructor to go over the class format and the overview of the M3 and the Treads. Getting the overview of the machine is key to success in the first class. If you miss the intro it can make the class more challenging because you don't have the basics of the class already in your head. Also, have fun with it! Everyone has been in your shoes at one point or another.
What do you hope clients take away from their experience training with you at SculptHouse?
Hopefully a great workout that leaves them wanting to come back for more. I want my clients to take away that not only did they have a great workout, but that they had fun doing it!
What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working/training?
I love spending time with my family. We love to travel and explore new places when our schedules allow it. I also love hanging out with my two dogs, Duke, a Great Dane and Moose a Frenchie. I also try to sneak in workouts for myself. It feels so great to be on the other side of the mic!
What else do you want everyone to know about you?
I've lived in lots of places from East coast to West Coast and even spent 8 months living in Switzerland. Other than where I grew up in Waterford, CT, Atlanta is the place we have lived the longest (15 years)