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Hailey Dray literally lights up the studio the moment she walks in. She has the brightest smile and such a loving heart but when she gets on the M3 and the Curve, she’s all business! Hailey gives 110% during each and every class and we want to share her story!

How long have you been coming to SH and how often?

I’ve been coming to SH for about seven or eight glorious months. I started out coming two or three times a week, and worked my way up to coming six days a week.

How is the SculptHouse method different than other group classes you’ve tried?

SculptHouse slays the fitness game.

I’ve never been much of a “class girl” for many reasons. The biggest reason is probably that fact that there hasn’t been enough bang per buck for most of the classes I’ve tried… coupled with the fact that I had this false sense of self-discipline thinking I could work out harder on my own.

SH stripped me of every misconception I’ve held about classes down to every last detail. The CardioSculpt classes allowed me to get my strength and cardio done in about an hour. The combination of the high intensity interval training on the Curve and the slow-twitch muscle-building that lengthens and tones on the Megaformer crushes any workout I’ve tried.

On top of being a killer, fun workout, the mental strength that the SculptHouse method and the trainers teach you is unrivaled. While there are other people in the class, I never feel like I’m getting lost in the crowd. I feel as though I’m being personally trained, motivated and encouraged.

These incredibly strong, inspiring, kind, hilarious women have a contagious energy. They’ve ingrained the words “yes you can” into my brain that has translated to other aspects of my life beyond fitness.

How has your body changed?

I’m 99% sure I laughed when I saw a couple of the moves the trainers were teaching me to do when I first started. My reverse catfish looked more like a dead fish, and my cobra resembled a struggling sloth. I was also one of the least flexible people I knew before training at SH.

It hasn’t gotten easier necessarily, but I’ve gotten much stronger. That’s the awesome part—you can master the form, but you can always make it harder by going a little bit slower on the Megaformer, stretch a little bit deeper, or run faster on the curve.

I’m still learning, growing and sculpting my body, but I’ve never felt stronger, faster, or more motivated.

What’s your favorite M3 move? Favorite Curve block? Music?

M3: Teaser to a twisted bear (oblique killer)

Curve: Last block level 4 – 20s. It’s a chance to grow mentally, and give it everything I’ve got left in the tank.

Music: It’s all incredible. You can’t help but to feel like a badass going at your top speed on the Curve to Ali Bomaye or Lose Yourself.

What would you tell someone who is hesitant to try this new type of workout?

I was hesitant too… and now look how hard I’m nerding out about SH.

Every bit of it is worth it. The trainers, the methods, the inviting atmosphere, the music, the results. I never thought I would find a class like this—the hype is real.

Meg took me under her wing when I first started, and she, along with the other trainers have changed my mindset for workouts. Get to know a trainer or ask someone taking the class about their SH experience—it’s so refreshing to see people’s kindness and passion, and you’ll quickly feel right at home. You’ll form new friendships and feel a part of something, while shaping yourself along the way.

What’s your favorite thing about the House and the SculptSquad?

I love this question because I know I speak for many when I answer this. My favorite part about the House and the SculptSquad is that feeling of comradery that uplifts, empowers and motivates me.

Every time I walk through the door for class, I feel like I’m back in high school walking into lacrosse practice. We’re a tight-knit team at SculptHouse and we love the SH game.

I’m not sure when I started saying “We” when referring to the SculptSquad, but that’s the beauty of it. There’s a huge sense of belonging—whether it’s a “we’re in this together” warm smile you get when gearing up for sprints, or one of the high fives thrown around after class—you feel motivated and connected…all while strengthening your mind and body. It’s pretty epic. So are the results.

It’s no secret that Kale Me Crazy is your favorite post workout spot! What’s your “go-to” at KMC?

Ahhh… guilty as charged. My go-to is the Recharge. Every time. Half a banana. Or an avocado if I’m feeling snazzy.

Anything else you want to add?

I’m grateful for everyone who works at SH, and for all the people that go and encourage each other. I’m banking on it being in Dallas, Austin, NYC, and all the places I love soon… so………….. just saying. Let’s throw Nantucket on that list too.

Thanks Hails for supporting SculptHouse and believing in us from the beginning! People like you, really make the SculptSquad what it is!

With Love,
The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason