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Alex and Leslie both experienced something that most dancers and cheerleaders only dream of…they represented the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders at this year’s Super Bowl LI!! They each have over 20 years of experience dancing but they say this last year was definitely a “dream come true.” As part of the original SculptSquad, Alex and Leslie share a little bit about their lives inside the studio, on the field and how they balance it all!

This past season you were both line captains; what was it like leading the team all the way to the Super Bowl? And what was it like cheering there?!

LB: My first season on the team, we only won four games, so being a part of the organization during a Super Bowl year was mind blowing… being a captain requires a lot of time, patience, and organization that had me stretched thin, but overall, too happy to even care in the madness. When I first walked on the field in Houston, I honestly just teared up. Okay, maybe I actually cried because not only had the Falcons come so far, but also because of how far my team and I had come from where we started! I 100% believe ATL is on the rise, and we’ll be back!
AG: This past season, I achieved two of my greatest goals in one season – to be a Captain and to cheer in a Super Bowl! I gained a greater understanding, respect, and admiration for my coaches and my previous captains. There is so much work, in practice and outside of practice, that goes in to making sure this squad looks picture perfect come Game Day. All the hard work, sweat, and tears hit the cumulative point the moment I stepped on that Super Bowl field. The energy was magnetic, the fans were so incredibly pumped that our Falcons and our city was being magnified on the largest stage in the world – it’s such a great honor to have gotten a taste of a Super Bowl experience. I have a great feeling about the Falcons making another Super Bowl run in the near future.

Has the SH method helped to keep you in shape in and off season?

LB: The SH method is a killer workout that is great for both off-season when we’re prepping for auditions and in-season! I love how the megaformer (M3) crafts long lean muscles with some flexibility elements that are vital in dance. I’ve struggled with a lot of injuries throughout my dance life, and the slow, controlled motions on the M3 help me keep everything aligned correctly while strengthening my weak spots. The curve is awesome to keep cardio up, especially when we’re running the length of a football field to get into formations and are on our feet for 4+ hours trying to keep the energy up!
AG: The strengthening, toning, and flexibility provided by the M3 combined with the cardio on the Curve helps with my endurance and stamina – both instrumental in keeping in dancing and performance shape.

What’s your favorite thing about being part of the SculptSquad?

LB: I love that being a part of the SculptSquad has really connected me to the fitness community in Atlanta. My fellow instructors are so knowledgeable about what they do, and I feel like I’ve really learned a lot from them.
AG: Being around these incredible women who motivate and encourage me to be my best not only as a trainer, but in my own personal physical fitness, and jobs outside of SculptHouse is the best part. Atlanta Falcons is comprised of what we call WOW women, who have it together in all aspects of their lives – the women of SculptHouse are of a similar caliber, and I love being a part of this team and family. They say you are the company you keep, and I’m so happy to be a part of the incredible group of women who make up our SculptSquad!

Favorite Curve block? Favorite M3 move?

LB: Favorite curve block: 2-3-2-4’s. Favorite M3 move: Reverse Kneeling Crunch…but I like 2 yellow springs to really burn it out

AG: I love any block where I am running the majority of the 5 minutes like Up Downs 2 or any
other endurance block. My favorite M3 moves are any types of crunches, sexy bicep curls and
the ripcord!

How do you keep your energy up on those long days with a full time job, teaching at
SH and cheering?

LB: I’ve had plenty of days where I teach a 6 am, go to my full-time job as a senior supply chain
analyst, and then go straight to workouts and practice until 10 pm. I HAVE to make sure I get a
lot of sleep the night before, and I schedule myself a day in the week (usually Fridays) to just go
home and nap and recover after work. It’s not so bad as I go throughout the day because I
really enjoy every job I do and that’s the key to good energy.

AG: COFFEE – I swear! But in all honesty, it’s about taking each task as a separate one before
moving on to the next. Time management is KEY and vital to getting everything done in my life.
I try to tackle each task thrown my way with a smile, give it my complete and undivided
attention so I know I’ve done my absolute best work, and then move on to the next.

What do you keep in your gym/cheer bags?

LB: About a million ponytail holders and bobby pins if I’m just working out. If I’m going
to practice, I definitely have red lip stain…even practices mean hair must be fully
done and makeup looking glam!

AG: WATER!! Crystal light packets, a snack – usually a Quest Bar! Hair ties, mascara, chapstick
or our famous Falcons red lipstick, hairbrush, hairspray, perfume. All the girly essentials!

You can catch Alex and Leslie on the schedule Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturday
mornings. RISE UP, Roll Tide and join them to get Your Sculpt Showing too!

The SculptSquad

Katherine Mason